Reading your message today particularly on the personal ambition paragraph I was reminded of some lines from Faust that I had memorized in high school.

Unfortunately in German and I’m too lazy to go find the translation. But it was a fun circle of life. Then I told my 17 year old daughter about it and she said “why do you read someone’s blog every day” and I said well it’s my friend Rick and I really enjoy experiencing how his mind works and she said oh is that the guy with all the Legos?

Which leads me to wonder, do you still have a room full of Legos in that house, is Jane allowed in there, and aren’t kids amazing because like YEARS ago I must have shown them all a picture of your Lego storage (probably when we were at peak Legos in this house) which you must have posted on the Facebook sometime, and told them how sometimes grownups still Have Legos because they’re so cool (the Legos, not the grownups… or maybe both?)

And they’ll likely never meet you in real life but you will always be the one with Legos.

Even if you’re not. Also, it would be hilarious if that wasn’t even you and we got you mixed up with some other old friend who had a serious Legos commitment.

Sort of like how one time when they were like 6,8, and 10 and had been reading a lot of Archies they asked me home first boyfriend was and I foolishly told them his name and this person is a very old friend who I see sometimes and mention and they always say “oh _____, he was your boyfriend!” Which is technically true but we’ve been friends for like 35 years and he was only my boyfriend for a few months at the beginning of that time. So it annoys me. Moral of the story: don’t ever tell your kids any names.

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Ha! I DO still have all the legos. I don't BUY anymore, but I'm still storing them, and yeah, mostly for Jane. She has gotten VERY into Duplo recently. She's still too young for LEGO proper. And she doesn't know any of the IP - star wars, lord of the rings, harry potter, etc. But there are lots of non-IP sets. I figure in another year or so, I will slowly start introducing her to them and letting her pick out some of the smaller ones. And that is VERY wise information about never giving them names. I will remember that.

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Also you should watch the Legos movie if you haven’t already. The first one.

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Oh god that movie is HUGE in our household. Also literally the only film Jane has seen. She LOVES Unikittey.

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Jane is a wise soul. Unikitty is a goddess.

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Business business numbers numbers is this working? Yay!

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