I joined Dispo bc I love photo apps in general, but have had only one photo 'developed' while tryig it out, and then hadn't thought of it in weeks bc life is so busy, and then this all happened. Should I even keep using it, I wonder...

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That's exactly my situation. The whole "developed" thing was a great metaphor for my party days but works less these days of parenting and gardening. I had forgotten about it.

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Thanks for sharing the Foals song. I really want them to be better than they usually are, and this song makes me want to explore them more again. The first song of theirs I heard was Spanish Sahara and that was perfect that I'd kind of written off the rest of their stuff as nothing else came close. But now I again have some hope for Foals.

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I like them a lot! I mean, not like top-tier, not like you like the Veldt or anything, but i find something rewarding on each and every album.

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