I meant to post a note yesterday about your neck pain because I’ve been suffering from mysterious chronic neck pain for almost 20 years and finally discovered the cause of it. I wanted to share in case it helps you or anyone else reading this who suffers from neck pain.

I recently learned about a condition called Binocular Vision Dysfunction on Reddit that I thought might be the cause of my headaches, nausea, imbalance issues, etc. When I went to see a specialist, the first thing he asked me was if I had pain in the right side of my neck. I...couldn’t believe it. After years of working with all kinds of doctors, no one has ever been able to tell me what the source of my pain is.

So this doctor said he knew I had right-side neck pain because my head was tilting slightly to the left. After 3 hours of intense testing, I was diagnosed with BVD.

Rewind to 30 years ago when I took a fall onto my head at a Butthole Surfers concert. The bump to the head apparently knocked my optical nerves out of synch, so my body has been trying to compensate for the vision problem in all kinds of ways since then. It did a great job I guess, until it started getting old and tired, so I didn’t start experiencing physical symptoms until 15-20 years after the fall.

The good news is, there are special lenses called Prism lenses that bend the light in a way that corrects for the misalignment of the optical nerves. I got mine a few weeks ago and am in the process of adjusting to them. I’ll go back for a revised prescription in a couple weeks, after my eyes have relaxed into them.

When I got my first lenses, I instantly felt about a foot taller and my head felt incredibly lightweight and balanced. And walking in a straight line felt effortless!

It’s just nuts to me to think about all those people out there bumping their heads who will never know about this and will needlessly suffer their entire life. So this is my small bit of BVD activism, hoping it helps someone who happens to see this.

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That is crazy! I'm so glad you found the cause. My cause is a congenitially fused neck, three vertebrae fused at birth. But similar thing — took them decades to finally diagnose it.

Those prism lenses sound amazing, what a life saver.

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love ya buddy

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