i only just learned about this upon checking my email this morning. it's shocking if not surprising.

i don't call people who are against abortion "pro-life." they say it's about the babies—but fuck them and their conditional concern, which lasts only to the moment of birth and definitely doesn't include the person with the actual motherfucking uterus.

anyway, i'm with you in all of these feelings. it's really hard—especially when we've actually marched and demonstrated a little bit and seen NO DISCERNIBLE CHANGES. did we just not try hard enough? i don't know—but now the kids have to take up the mantle, and not just on fucking tik tok.

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Ha, I had totally the same experience in an anti-Iraq War march in San Francisco. It was a bunch of people who were *super* into this stuff and it was like their Woodstock. I sat there and watched speech after speech about toxic waste at Hunter’s Point, Native American lands, and a million other issues. It was pretty clear to me: “This is why these people are so easily caricatured and dismissed. We’re all here for one reason: to protest the Iraq War. Instead they've turned it into a protest carnival.”

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