wowowowow—i just read those excerpts in the verge. putting aside all the brazen sexism, this techbro writing about his sexual conquests and boardroom successes as if he were a direct descendant to the beats? GTFOH, dockers. there's no outsider cred in being in it for the money.

sorry about the squirrel. i apologize to bugs as i kill them, so i totally get it.

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Right??? And if you, say, hypothetically, work in the biz and want to read one of the only insider accounts of the development of Facebook's ad system — THE VERY REASON THE PUBLISHER COMMISSIONED THE BOOK — you gotta wade through all of that shit.

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Your talk of the difficulty of the IRS and technology reminded me of this great piece an ex-coworker at the MBTA just published.


There are so many people who would love to work on digital tech for public organizations but it's usually so frustrating. The MBTA turned that all around a few years ago by building a small focused tech group that used modern tech and project planning techniques. It was a super fun place to work.I know it's a lot harder to apply these lessons to something as huge as the IRS but we can dream.

Also, I love Ultra Vivid Scene. Joy 1967-1990 is an absolute masterpiece.My friends in Monsterland got to work with Kurt Ralske and loved the experience. Sadly that SpinArt EP seems to not on Spotify any more but he did some intersting stuff to their sound.

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Oh man Kurt's production skillz were underrated. I don't know this one I am going to listen to it today, thank you. And you're so right about gov't tech. I have some friends who've done stints at USDS and it's much the same thing. That was a great article!

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Found a youtube link to the EP


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This EP is great! A mix between early Superchunk and, like, the Trashcan Sinatras or something.

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Check out their full-length as well. Destroy What You Love is really great as well and I think captured their real sound a bit better. They did a reunion like 5 years ago in NYC and were fantastic .

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