Apr 1, 2021Liked by Rick Webb

Not for any noble reason, just how I am, I have never intentionally flirted with any woman and have definitively not hit on any woman. Of course, I got married when I was 27, so it was a brief window, but that wouldn’t have really made any difference.

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Congratulations you mark the first male, across two posts and two platforms, brave enough to comment in public on that topic.

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I'm fairly certain I once sold an antique postcard from NC featuring an old woman weaving pine needle baskets. Extra long pine NC needles could explain why I found this craft far more frustrating than I had time for when I tried it. (Of course I tried it). Apparently, though you can sell your extra long pine needles on Etsy for those of like mind, if you want to test the market in a small scale way.


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That accent.

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This is definitely going to be a hobby of mine at some point, even if not till retirement.

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you brought a 1L diet coke bottle to meeting???

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Throughout the Barbarian years I basically walked around with one the entire time, yeah. It was gross.

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I was curious about the 1L meeting diet coke too...

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I am here to dutifully leave a comment as instructed by the almighty button god.

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The fates will reward you.

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1. i read that NYT article last night and felt sick with recognition. that feeling of not wanting to ruffle feathers at the expense of your own desire/agency is real, even for women (me) who think they know how to say no. 2. SUCK IT, SD! (they must feel so left out, being the only state without a stop) 3. but what if the bill works?!?! that would be the utmost. 4. pine needles! there's for sure another side hustle for you right there. 5. when you said "bojangles," i thought you meant bill robinson (who is actually from virginia), and wondered how a tap dancer became associated with pine needles of all things! only when i googled him to find out did i learn about "the fried chicken the south is obsessed with." NO IDEA. 6. tempted to do a deep dive on paula abdul, but i bet someone will give you a thorough update, so i'll wait.

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The confusion of the Bojangles comment is it's a COMPLETELY BELOVED Southern institution! It's like Austinites being, like, "this ain't no Franklin Barbeque shit."

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