to throw some sand in your previously (olive-)oiled gears, let me present a third option for squirting: the graza set, sizzle and drizzle (the former for cooking and the latter for finishing). they come in their own branded squirt bottles, an they sell refills of each now IN CANS. more expensive than your walmart-brand OO, for sure—but what can i say, i'm a sucker for a decent product in cute packaging!

also: COSIGN on your note about there being good new music! (saw the other day that you've discovered nilüfer yanya—i love her and am seeing her again on october 2!

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Finally got around to looking at those. Those are pretty nice! But I just want squirters I can put my own shit into I think. Mainly cuz I am not suing them (mostly) for the oil now.

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