"I agree Joe has been self-serving his whole life, which is why he flip-flopped so often on so many consequential issues through the years: his moral compass was pretty f’d up in his younger years."

The way I think about it is that Biden is not, has never been, an ideologue. He's been through his career basically the median Democrat - which as you note, in his early days led to some gnarly positions, e.g., opposing school busing. But because he is not an ideologue he has *moved* with the party as it's become more diverse and open-minded. That's good! Lots of people want politicians who Have Always Been Right About Everything but that's not a) a kind of person that exists or b) a politician that will ever get elected. Politicians representing their constituency is *the whole point* and Biden has understood this very well.

I'll also just say that by my lights (someone who worked in politics when I was younger, has followed it too much ever since), the Democratic Party is infinitely and almost unrecognizably less-terrible than it used to be (even as recently as the Obama admin, where a Senate "supermajority" was rife with absolute, worse-than-Manchin dreck). Generational replacement takes time but the quality of electeds on that side of the aisle is just way, way better on average.

And yes +10000 to the "there has been no good time in the media." I am in fact working on a project about this very thing!

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Man you are so right about the party. Also, of course, this commenter is in CT and NY, where the Blue has... well, let's just say boomer dems in one-party states were not always known for their moral rectitude.

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Speaking of Tolkein...as a kid, my brother gave me 'Bored of the Rings' from 1969! Back when parody meant something. It's short and fun (and probably hard to track down).


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I am going to have to track this down!

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