"It really is something how rare this is, though. Folksonomies, user-generated content, Wikis: Still going strong in a lot of places, in a lot of ways. One of the good things about the internet that hasn’t, by and large, been ruined. Though you can definitely feel it fading a bit. Do the kids want to keep maintaining these vast wikis we’ve developed on the internet? Will they fade eventually, just as truth fades? Probably, probably."

I am pretty bullish on folksonomies etc. continuing because they have *never* been a mass phenomenon. Even at the height of the social web, the % of folks who were truly active on these sites and projects - who were even aware of social tagging as a thing - was pretty low. This is also probably why those sites never quite broke through or sustained relative to investor expectations (though Flickr is still humming along!), but also was never quite the fad-bust cycle outside of very online commentators. And because they're mostly not high-traffic or remunerative corners of the Internet, they'll continue to appeal to obsessives rather than be another place for the maw of spam comments (now with AI!) to ruin.

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This is a really good point thank you for your reassurance.

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